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Session Details Page

Today we added a new session details page to WebTuna. This allows you to drill down into the page views and AJAX calls for a particular user’s session and see timings...

Sending WebTuna metrics to

In this example we are going to query the WebTuna REST API to pull a metric (Average page load time) every 5 minutes and push that data to be displayed inside

Where can I find my REST API key and how do I use it?

Your REST API key can be generated on the Change Password screen under Admin. You can generate a new API key from here any time if you think your API key...

WebTuna REST API – simple PHP example

The PHP code below is a simple example of how to query the WebTuna REST API to get metric data programmatically. In this example it looks at the last 300...

How can I capture the Web server machine name

If the web application you are monitoring has multiple frontend web servers and you would like to see performance broken down by servername then you can have the webtuna.js capture...

WebTuna adds AJAX timing

We have added AJAX support to WebTuna. If your web application makes AJAX calls using jQuery 1.5 or above then they will be automatically captured by version 3 or above...